Tuesday, 12 October 2010

about me...

my name is norshazila binti abd ghani.im 20 year old.i live in felcra bukit kepong muar,johor.my favourite food is tom yam n so on wheres my favourite drinks is milo ice. my hobbies are sleeping, listening songs, watching movies,and so on.i start study when i 6 years old.i study at kindergarden about one  year.after that i school at sekoah kebangsaan felda chemplak at labis, segamat.i school at there whwn i 7 years old until 12 years old.then, i school at sekolah menengah kebangsaan felcra bukit kepong. i studied at there about 5 years old.after i finished my studied at the last school i got the offer to future my study at sekolah menengah kebangsaan labis, segamat. i study for form 6 at there about 17 months. i take the sijil tinggi peperiksaan malaysia. after i got the result, i future my study at UiTM at Melaka. i study at cost business in insurance. i have to finished my study about 3 year from now.im very happy because i future my study and i will make sure that i must pass my study and i get the good job for me and my family.

i think without my family i can not be here. i really thanks to the God and to my family because of them i can future my study....that all abut me.thank you

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Basic Guide For Computer Parts & Software

For most people, computer parts and the innards of a computer are something that rarely needs to be looked at up close. Everyone knows it has something to do with IBM and Bill Gates, but that's about it. But the fact is, today's computers parts are the result of massive technological innovations in microprocessors, semiconductors and programming. Here's a brief guide for what makes up a computer.
Most of the circuitry and the brains of a computer are nowadays built-into motherboards and processors. The rest of it is just so that these two can function properly and interface with the user. The 'rest' in this case includes keywords, monitors, the mouse, etc.
The biggest processor makers are Intel and AMD, and the choice is usually whatever happens to be the latest in the market. Choices for the motherboard and chipset are a lot more varied and depend on usage, budget, location, etc. It's best to look it up on computer hardware review and benchmarking sites before buying anything.
The other major computer parts worth mentioning include the SMPS or power supply, hard disk drive (hdd), memory (RAM) and video cards (better known as a display or graphics card). Sound cards are these days built into the motherboard, and so are modems and LAN cards required to connect to the internet or join a network. But some people might still consider getting more powerful external cards and devices for these functions.
The power supply is worth mentioning because unlike other electronic gadgets, a computer's power supply is a very important and delicate part. It provides power separately to the motherboard and each motorized part (hdd, cd/dvd-rom, cooling fans, led displays). Each of these power cables is critical to the operation of the computer, and needs a strong and stable power supply.
Also to be noted that laptop computers and desktop computers have different needs, as far as parts are concerned. In a laptop, most of the parts are factory built, and there's not much room for customization by adding cards or a bigger monitor, etc. On the other hand, a desktop computer can be ripped apart, upgraded and customized with better video cards, faster LAN cards, a bigger hdd, more RAM and anything else that's required.
As far as operating systems are concerned, Microsoft Windows is still the world's most dominant OS. An OS, by the way, is what interfaces between all the hardware on one side, with all the software and the user on the other side. Alternative OS options include Unix, Linux, FreeBSD and various other Unix derivatives and clones.
Commonly used software choices for web browsers include Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. Office software choices include MS-Office and OpenOffice. The rest is pretty much dependent on what the computer is to be used for.
In summary, the computer parts and software required basically depend on budget considerations and usage. For instance, someone who needs to run advanced multimedia software like Photoshop or play online video games might need a powerful desktop computer with add-on video cards, a bigger monitor and more cooling fans. Someone who simply wants to browse the web might find a factory built config for a laptop quite sufficient.
Specializing in Computer and computer accessories including motherboards retail with over two decades of experience to serve you.

Importance of Technology in Business

Technology plays a vital role in business. Over the years businesses have become dependent on technology so much so that if we were to take away that technology virtually all business operations around the globe would come to a grinding halt. Almost all businesses and industries around the world are using computers ranging from the most basic to the most complex of operations.
Technology played a key role in the growth of commerce and trade around the world. It is true that we have been doing business since time immemorial, long before there were computers; starting from the simple concept of barter trade when the concept of a currency was not yet introduced but trade and commerce was still slow up until the point when the computer revolution changed everything. Almost all businesses are dependent on technology on all levels from research and development, production and all the way to delivery. Small to large scale enterprises depend on computers to help them with their business needs ranging from Point of Sales systems, information management systems capable of handling all kinds of information such as employee profile, client profile, accounting and tracking, automation systems for use in large scale production of commodities, package sorting, assembly lines, all the way to marketing and communications. It doesn't end there, all these commodities also need to be transported by sea, land, and air. Just to transport your commodities by land already requires the use of multiple systems to allow for fast, efficient and safe transportation of commodities.
Without this technology the idea of globalization wouldn't have become a reality. Now all enterprises have the potential to go international through the use of the internet. If your business has a website, that marketing tool will allow your business to reach clients across thousands of miles with just a click of a button. This would not be possible without the internet. Technology allowed businesses to grow and expand in ways never thought possible.
The role that technology plays for the business sector cannot be taken for granted. If we were to take away that technology trade and commerce around the world will come to a standstill and the global economy would collapse. It is nearly impossible for one to conduct business without the aid of technology in one form or another. Almost every aspect of business is heavily influenced by technology. Technology has become very important that it has become a huge industry itself from computer hardware manufacturing, to software design and development, and robotics. Technology has become a billion dollar industry for a number of individuals.
The next time you browse a website to purchase or swipe a credit card to pay for something you just bought, try to imagine how that particular purchase would have happened if it were to take place without the aid of modern technology. That could prove to be a bit difficult to imagine. Without all the technology that we are enjoying now it would be like living in the 60's again. No computers, no cellular phones, no internet. That is how important technology is in business.
Neoko Cortwell is a freelance writer and web designer. If you want to start your own creative journey to becoming a freelance designer yourself, see these video tutorials.

Computer Information Technology - What it is & Why it is Important

What is computer information technology? To begin, it's a good question-and quite frequently asked too. Basically, computer information technology (commonly referred to as "IT" within tech industries and the business world) is a term used to describe the design, creation, and maintenance of complex computer and networked computer systems. Many businesses and professionals use the term to also encompass the wide range of technology that surrounds the computer systems themselves too.
For example, computer information technology is often used to describe:

  • Computer hardware
  • Computer servers
  • Computer networks and networking equipment
  • Computer monitors
  • Software and operating systems
  • Printers
  • Copy machines
  • Fax machines
  • Office phone systems
  • Internet systems
  • Cell phones
  • Many additional types of technology and data management equipment

IT also represents the how all of these systems are used and how they inter-relate to one another at the same time.
In the Workplace: The IT Department
While it is not necessarily a rule, more often than not these days, a business's IT department will typically manage all of the office's technology needs, including everything from the procurement of computer and technology equipment to the installation and ongoing maintenance of the systems. In the modern data centered workplace environment we've come to expect today, ensuring the computer information technology backbone is operating effectively and efficiently has become absolutely mandatory to running a successful business or workplace operation.
Why Is Computer Information Technology So Important?
IT has become the lifeblood of how business is done. As our world continues to adapt more and more towards an information based society, managing the stream and storage of data and making access to data more and more reliable and easy to use is not just important from a profit standpoint alone-we've actually come to totally depend on technology 100% to make business possible.
In this type of environment, ensuring that every small "slice of the pie" operates and performs as it should is essential. Think of it much like setting up a chain of dominoes-if one piece of an organization's technology system goes down, it is certainly going to have an entire chain of cause and effect throughout the entire organization.
Information technology is so important because it requires thoughtful and knowledgeable planning and development to create sophisticated systems that work seamlessly with each other to produce an end result of transparent functionality that we rely on. It's almost like one of those things that we've just gotten used to-we've come to expect it to work flawlessly all of the time, only noticing it when something goes wrong.
This kind of operational transparency is usually the main goal of IT professionals. Making sure that data and technology systems work properly and dependably enables others to perform their duties without a hitch. Qualified IT professionals are always in high demand and generally well compensated for the services they provide.
It's safe to say that computer information technology really is what makes the world of technology go 'round!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


i have a best friend.she is azilah.we studied together and we go to school together.all my friends said that azila and i like a twins.not only same name but we have a same attitude.she know about myself and i know about herself.at class we also sat together and all my activities azila n i never separate.now this is first time i separate with she.first i know zila nad i got the same university, we are so haapy.but the sad news is we not study in same course.but we are happy because we still together until now.but.....now we hardly to meet.i really miss about aur moment to laugh,story,and so on. inever forget she.whatever in any situation i always remember her.lately,i have misunderstanding with her.she make me disappointed.untill now i can't apologized her.it will take a long time.although she not with me anymore now i have a lot of friends...now when i have problem they all will help me.there are hamidah,farhain,hafizah,syuhadah,ainin,inei and hazzin.i really love them.thank friend because you all always give me supports and never leave me alone....you all make me happy

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

my family and i.....

first of all, i would like to introduce about my family.i have a big family.i have 7 sibling.that is 4 girls and 3 boy.i have 3 sisters and 2 brother and also a younger brother.i also have 3 nephew and a niece.let me tell you about my brother.my first brother names is zaini.he is kind also fierce.now he work at the bank. next i will tell you about my sister suria.my family just call her su.i really love to her because he give a lot of support and also give a spirit to future my study.she also help me aspecially about money. i think if she not help me, i don't think so i will be here for study.third i will tell you about my beloved sister.she is norli.i really respect she because she has their own attitude.she courteous.when i have a problem i will tell my problem and she will give me some advise.the second brother is najib.i call he abang.for my first brother i call he along.abang is very fierce but he very understand me.he will give advise and teach me everything that i don't know.i really love him.now he work at the air asia as a engineer.my next sister is hayati.i call she kak yati.she very talkative.she always make my family and i happy.everything she do will make my family happy.now she work at bank as excutive.next is me.i will tell you abuot me later.finally i will tell you about my younger brother.he is azizan.just call he izan.i only have a younger brother.he also help me when i got the problem.i also give him some advise for give him a spirit to success in study.i hope that i will give back all my love to my family.without themselves, i don't know how to hadle myself.i really appriciate and thanks to God because i have a happy and caring family....for my parents i really love them more than myself.i will remember all my family advise and so on for continue my life